According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the vitamin C content of kiwifruit is 3 times that of lemons, 3.5 times that of citrus fruits, and about 12 times that of apples.

Eating a 100-gram kiwifruit yields 93 mg of vitamin C, almost enough for a day.

In 2016, the "Japanese Life Intelligence Program" interviewed five farmers who grow kiwifruit in New Zealand and found that the average blood vessel age of these farmers decreased by 21 years due to frequent consumption of kiwifruit. A study published in Platelets showed that eating 2 to 3 kiwifruit a day for 28 days significantly improved platelet aggregation and reduced triglycerides by 15%.

In addition, kiwi fruit has other rich nutrients.

Mainly include:

● Dietary fiber

● Vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, K

● Minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc.

● Thaumatin (enzyme)

● Comprehensive nutrients such as folic acid, carotenoids, chlorophyll, and phytochemicals

Prevent cancer

The rich vitamin C in kiwi fruit can not only improve the body's immunity but also block the formation of the carcinogenic factor "nitrosamine", which helps to prevent gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, and colorectal cancer.

Improve gut health

The gut is the second brain of the human body, and keeping the gut open can prevent many diseases. Kiwifruit contains oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, and sulfur-containing proteolytic enzymes, which can help food absorption, promote gastrointestinal motility, and improve constipation and other problems.

Keep skin healthy and weight loss

The rich vitamin C in kiwi fruit can promote the synthesis of collagen in the human body, enhance the activation of cells in the human body, and promote metabolism; while vitamin B6 can improve the metabolism of protein, promote the regeneration of body tissues and skin, and help female hormones. secretion is normal.

Prevent cardiovascular disease

Eating kiwi fruit helps reduce triglycerides in the blood and blood clotting, and kiwi fruit can reduce thromboembolism and heart disease problems.

Protect eyesight

Kiwis contain phytochemicals and lutein, which are essential for eye health.

Improve sleep quality

Kiwi fruit can be regarded as one of the good sources of calcium intake, and calcium has the effect of helping nerve conduction, soothing and calming, and is an important element for improving sleep quality. Moderate supplementation can help reduce insomnia.

You may be in the habit of peeling and slicing a kiwi before eating it. Did you know that its fluffy peel is healthy and worth trying?

The kiwi peel is actually a great source of nutrients, minerals, and especially fiber (vitamins A, C, and E). This means that if you take the whole kiwi and eat it, including the skin, you will get more benefits. Because its peel contains flavonoids, and plant molecules, these ingredients have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. It's a shame if you don't try it! If you want to try it If you find it difficult to accept, try stirring the whole kiwi.

Kiwi fruit and carrots are especially delicious when juiced together, because carrots are slightly sweet, which can neutralize the sour taste of kiwi fruit, and can make the squeezed juice slightly ruddy and very beautiful in color.

Kiwifruit and apples are also very delicious to juice together. When needed, you can prepare one apple and two kiwifruits. After washing them, put them directly in the food processor, crush them, and add purified water to dilute them. , and then add honey to taste and mix thoroughly, it is a delicious kiwi juice.